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Lukas Ridgeston

Lukas Ridgeston

Simply put, Lukas is the face of Bel Ami. It is difficult to properly describe the impact he has had on the company and in the lives of those who work here, starting with George Duroy himself. He has mesmerized and captivated the hearts (and groins) of adoring legions of fans around the world, and his fame remains potent despite the fact that his final erotic performance (“Lukas in Love,” of course!) was released in 2005. Our Bel Ami customers have seen Lukas cameo in a number of our documentaries as a cameraman, and he works behind the scenes with us to this day. We asked George to descibe Lukas and he provided a litany: “His startling blue eyes, a chiseled body, his ejaculations from that beautiful penis, and undeniable charisma that radiates from him, and that comes from him naturally.” Fans will be happy to know that Lukas today has maintained his fantastic physique and that he appears just as handsome as ever (Johan Paulik likes to tease him, a true meterosexual, for the amount of time he devotes to personal hygiene and grooming). Lukas is one of the most popular and recognizable porn models in the world, and thus it can become a challenge to protect his privacy. In 1999 he was named by “Unzipped” magazine in the U.S. as among the top-ten porn stars of all time (“….there may be no more beautiful man alive”), and in 2000, Lukas and Johan were inducted in the GAYVN Hall of Fame. Despite this adulation and occasional frenzy, Lukas graduated from university with a degree in architecture. “Beauty and brains, and also genuinely humble. If anyone would be considered boyfriend material, it would be Lukas,” George says.

Model Rating

Eye color:Blue
Hair color:Brown
Dick type:Thick
Dick size:19


Lukas, Johan & Adam
On the set with Phillipe, Ariel, Alex
On the set with Joel & Torsten
Jambo Africa part 13
Jambo Africa part 9
Summer Loves - Part 19
Summer Loves - Part 17
Summer Loves - Part 12
Summer Loves - Part 8
Summer Loves - Part 5
Summer Loves Part 4
Summer Loves Part 3
Lukas in Love Orgy
Lukas, Sebastian & Sasha
African Souvenirs - Part 11
Lukas & Sascha
African Souvenirs - Part 10
Lukas, Tim & Danny
Lukas, Ethan, Yves
African Souvenirs - Part 5
Summer Break - Part 6
Forever Lukas - Pt 4
Lukas in NYC


It has been described as the best orgy ever filmed in gay porn, and this set of images shows us the boys and the action perfectly.  During filing the boys had to go through all their action twice, firstly for the cameramen, and then again for the stills photographer. After filming the orgy, the location was actually remodeled and this classical sauna was actually destroyed.
The full video of this orgy is coming up in a couple months.
Lukas in Love - Orgy
2016 is destined to be a great year, certainly if the new BelAmi and KinkyAngels calendars are anything to go by.
Working together with Bruno Gmuender we have 3 calendars for next year: BelAmiOnline, KinkyAngels and a special edition calendar of the photographs of Rick Day.  not available yet in shops, here is a little sneak peek at what is on offer... pick your favorite, or maybe you will want all 3
2016 Calendars
As part of our 20th Birthday celebrations we commissioned New York Photographer, Rick Day, to capture a special new set of images of one of our most iconic models, Lukas Ridgeston.
Lukas has been part o the BelAmi team right from the beginning, appearing in our earliest classics before starting work later as a cameraman and director.  So close is the association of Lukas and BelAmi that when we first started releasing condom free movies, we created the line of `Lukas Ridgeston` for this purpose.

20 Years after his first appearances, Lukas still is an outstanding and handsome man.  Gone maybe is the softness of youth, but it has been replaced by a manliness that is equally alluring, and of course, his trademark eyes have lost nothing of their appeal.

This 2nd set is smaller in number than the first and Rick chose to present Lukas in a more intimate bedroom mood
Lukas Ridgeston - Day 2
As part of our 20th Birthday celebrations we commissioned New York Photographer, Rick Day, to capture a special new set of images of one of our most iconic models, Lukas Ridgeston.

Lukas has been part o the BelAmi team right from the beginning, appearing in our earliest classics before starting work later as a cameraman and director.  So close is the association of Lukas and BelAmi that when we first started releasing condom free movies, we created the line of `Lukas Ridgeston` for this purpose.

20 Years after his first appearances, Lukas still is an outstanding and handsome man.  Gone maybe is the softness of youth, but it has been replaced by a manliness that is equally alluring, and of course, his trademark eyes have lost nothing of their appeal.

This Is a special 2 part image only update.  In this first set, Rick Day has chosen to portray Lukas as a kind of urban cowboy.  Wednesday`s set will be more bedroom themed
Lukas Ridgeston - Day 1