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Ethan & Andrei added 11/25/2021

As the countdown to Christmas starts we also start to bring you some of our more treasured scenes. Today we have BelAmi legend Andrei Karenin fucking future star Ethan Opry. You can tell this is an Ethan 1.0 scene as he still has his longer surfer style hairdo, and in the future will try and alternate him with Ethan 2.0, who has a much shorter haircut. 

Both guys are very passionate and intense with a volatile edge to their lovemaking (sometimes it's hard for our directors to get either guy to pause long enough to accept direction) which always leads to a terrific scene. Ethan is also part of our BelAmi X Sean Cody project, so you can expect to see quite a bit more of him between now and the end of the year!