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Luke Hamill

Luke Hamill

Luke was just 19 years old when he started with Bel Ami and George Duroy is amazed at how young-looking he was in his first photo sets. He is very different today. Luke has sensual lips, a nice bum and is exceedingly likable. He is famously shown on the cover of “Flings 3.” George Duroy says that Luke is “the most important model, for me, from this latest generation. He has become an integral part of the company.” Luke is in charge of all the castings and model preparation; lately, he has also begun to oversee our production schedule. He studies management at university. “Luke is very bright and good-humored, and one of the best assistants I’ve ever had,” says George. “He doesn’t mind working late or on weekends if necessary.” In front of the camera, Luke is one of the most sexually versatile boys in Bel Ami history. “I would compare him to Dano Sulik or Sebastian Bonnet,” George says. “He is imaginative in terms of sexual positions and is sexually omnivorous. He really likes it in any form. He would be the perfect model for a bisexual film.” Luke has had sex with virtually all of the current Bel Ami models; most of them have to be tested and he is usually the one to do it. “He is very good at convincing models to go further than just a solo or a photo shoot, if they are nervous about it,” George says. “The new models see him as a positive role model for this business when they come to Bel Ami.” In his private time, Luke enjoys tooling around with cars (as do many of our boys) and diving.

Model Rating

Eye color:Blue
Hair color:Blond
Dick type:Average
Dick size:19


Gino & Dario with Luke
Luke & Kurt - remastered
Josh, Luke & Vincent
On the set with Joel & Torsten
On the Set with Alex & Colin
Cape Adventures part 8
Luke Hamill
Jambo Africa part 8
Jack & Luke
Summer Loves - Part 19
Summer Loves - Part 1
Hungarian Goulash Part 20
Hungarian Goulash Part 19
Hungarian Goulash Part 18
Hungarian Goulash Part 15
Hungarian Goulash Part 13
Hungarian Goulash Part 12
Hungarian Goulash Part 11
Hungarian Goulash Part 10
Hungarian Goulash Part 3
Shopping with Adam and Rhys
African Souvenirs - Part 8
African Souvenirs - Part 7
African Souvenirs - Part 6
African Souvenirs - Part 5
Colombian Tapas Part 6
Summer Break - Part 16
Summer Break - Part 15
Summer Break - Part 13
Summer Break - Part 10
Summer Break - Part 8
Summer Break - Part 5
Summer Break - Part 4
Summer Break - Part 3
Summer Break - Part 2
Summer Break - Part 1
Greek language lesson
Hoyt's road wank
I love mornings like this
Luke Hamill
Luke and Dario
Johnny and Luke
Luke, Gino and Kevin
Jean-Daniel and Luke
Pre breakfast blow jobs


<p>Time for an Art Collection update today by photographer Rick Day as he puts the formidable Luke Hamill through his paces.</p>
<p>Luke is a lot of fun to be around socially, and as a model and crew member he can be very demanding of himself and others around him, thankfully almost guaranteeing us something special.  The car in this shoot is so distinctive that we felt the need to spread out shoots that feature it quite a bit.  Hopefully, you remember it as a partner to Mick in one of his best picture sets as well.</p>
Luke Hamill
We`re all so used to seeing Luke with his new close cropped haircut that we can forget what he used to look like before.
One of our longest standing models, Luke moved on to being one of our best cameramen and directors as well as the mainstay of KinkyAngels as well as the Scandal in the Vatican series.
We hope you enjoy his honey smooth skin, large sensuous hands and his infectious (mostly) cheery disposition in this set.
Luke Hamill
Our quickie today is taken from a scene with Joel Birkin, Peter Annaud and newbie Orri Aasen (so far you have only seen his casting, but there is more coming soon, starting with a photo session in October).
Always a very hands on director, Luke Hamill can be seen here doing a bit of  `Lenny Kravitz` on the set... getting so carried away with demonstrating the positions that he splits his pants and lets it all hang out.
Summer Production Diaries #4
All too quickly we come to the end of this Greek adventure and it is time to bid our island paradise a fond farewell.  As a treat on the final day the boys got to spend the whole day lounging around on the beach, eating, drinking and having fun before they had to pack up and head to the airport.  You will notice Helmut missing from our merry team as he had already flown off to Israel for a special clinic to help his skin problem.  Unluckily for our boys the plane was delayed for a couple hours, so they had to make do with trying to pass the time as best they could.
So, this is it for our Greek Diaries and we will return to our normal quickies for a while.  We hope you have enjoyed our little updates as much as we have enjoyed bringing them to you.
Greek Diary 14
Our action pictures today come from a couple scenes that will be released in full later this year.
First up we have Andrei Karenin fucking Jason Clark in our Budapest studio in a scene that is coming your way in November. The second part of the update comes from a trip to South Africa and features Luke Hamill fucking Johnny Bloom and will be on BelAmiOnline next month.
Andrei, Jason, Luke and Johnny
This photoset has been long lost. Each time I would renew my hunt I would be told that, with a great deal huffing and looks of disbelief, it simply did not exist. But after hardheadedly refusing to give in and consistently harassing our catastrophically messy archivist, I finally unearthed this gem. I rank it as among some of our finest sets and hope you enjoy it as we bring the summer season to a close.
Luke and Josh
We have something a little different for you today in the presentation of Alex and Luke. It was shot in Mykonos in 2006 and was used for the cover of the Pillow Talk 3 DVD, after the set with Danny Saradon, this is our 2nd release that we will call `Unreleased Archives`. For this photoset we have done some tweaking of the pictures to make them a little artistic.  We did this as the original set when copied on the computer had some weird settings and the colors were all oversaturated, so they were a bit of a shocker to look at (especially before coffee first thing in the morning). The new version is a lot softer and lends a lovely romantic feel to the set.
Luke and Alex
This is the photoset from which we chose the cover for the upcoming Flings 4 movie.  It goes along with the scene these 2 guys made together around the same time, but you will notice a different setting.
Luke and Keanu