This is a gay porn website and contains explicit sexual material of really cute men having hardcore gay sex. Do not continue past this point if you are not of legal age in your location, or viewing sexual material is illegal in your country or if viewing gay sexual material may offend you.

Matt Thurman

Matt Thurman

Matt comes from the same home town that produced Hoyt Kogan. Matt is Czech from the east of the country where they have a very distinctive dialect which most of the other boys find quite amusing. After Matt started filming with us he decided that he wanted to be a body builder and got so big that we had to take a break filming with him until he lost a bit of his bulk. For those of you have a thing for freckles, Matt is definitely your boy. Most of his material is on Freshmen, but you will be seeing more him this year also on BelAmiOnline.

Model Rating

Hair color:Brown
Eye color:Blue-Green
Dick size:16.5
Dick type:Average


Matt & Dean
Matt & Joaquin
Serge & Matt
Jonas & Matt
Hoyt & Matt
Marcel & Matt
Christian & Matt
Matt Thurman
Balaton BootCamp
Mario & Matt
Enrique & Matt


<p>Time to get clean this week with our special couple models of the week, Matt and Jonas. This special art collection photosession was taken at our favorite chateau outside of Prague by Eliot and is quite a step outside his normal comfort zone, but we think that the results are very sexy and that we should push Eliot more often to try out some new things.</p>
Jonas & Matt
Matt is a boy with a very easy going and sunny disposition, quick to smile and laugh at every opportunity, but also with the ability to look intensely sexy when he needs to. While not a regular at the gym like some of our boys, Matt does spend time keeping in shape when he needs to, but would much rather be outdoors or having fun with cars. He is here today in front of resident photographer Eliot Klien in our Budapest studio.
Matt Thurman