Presenting Jean-Luc Bisset

Jean-Luc & Raphael   96%
Yuri & Jean-Luc   92%
Jean-Luc & Danny   96%
Jean-Luc & Justin   96%
Sleepy Day   100%
Jean-Luc & Kevin   96%
Jean-Luc and Helmut   94%
Jean-Luc, Adam, Jason and Jerome   96%
Summer Break - Part 6   96%
Helmut, Jerome and Jean-Luc   96%
Jean-Luc and Gino   98%
Jean-Luc and Rhys   96%
Kris, Danny and Jean-Luc - Part 2   96%
Jean-Luc and Marc   96%
Jean-Luc Bisset   96%
Jean-Luc Bisset   94%